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Amy Kreidt
Jamie Koffler
Nursing Services Director
Aileen Paluck
Social Services Director
Joyce Decker
Activity Director
Amy Kleinjan
Dietary Services Director
Jake Olheiser
Environmental Services Director
John Cloutier
Human Resources Director
Beth Urbanec
Park Avenue Villa Director
Therapy Solutions (contracted)
Rehabilitation Services

We exist to demonstrate the compassion of God by providing quality care that enhances the dignity and respect of each person we serve
Who We Are
St. Luke’s campus includes St. Luke’s Home, an 88-bed long-term, skilled nursing facility and Park Avenue Villa, a 37-unit assisted living facility. St. Luke’s Home residents receive 24-hour skilled nursing care; IV therapy; wound care and post-surgical care; respite care; nutritional therapy; and peritoneal dialysis.
Park Avenue Villa promotes independent living and provides a range of daily services including meals, housekeeping services, social events, personal care and 24-hour emergency response.
Conceived out of concern for older community members, a partnership of 14 southwestern North Dakota ELCA churches established St. Luke’s Home for the Aged in 1958. As needs and preferences changed, St. Luke’s grew to include a progression of care services and living options to enhance the quality of life for those we serve.